Is damp and mould something to be concerned about?

Due to the temperate climate we live in a level of damp and mould may be expected in all dwellings. However, if left untreated for a long time damp and mould can cause plasterwork to crumble or other structural problems and could affect the health of the occupants, particularly those with breathing problems.

WE offer ventilation systems that can:

  • Reduce your fuel bills
  • Keep your home fresh and dry
  • Eliminate mould growth
  • Provide a healthy atmosphere to live in

A solar ventilator uses the sun’s energy to provide fresh, clean, heated air in to your home, and removes the excess moisture, odours and dampness.
Without excess moisture and dampness in a stale atmosphere, the risk of allergies and asthma can be reduced.

Solar ventilation is healthy for you, your family and your home, providing a green and efficient system that looks after you and your carbon footprint.